Yeast or Candida infection is a common infection that affects
millions of women around the globe. There are reports that three out of
four women may experience the infection at some time in their lives. Of
course it is best to consult your doctor if you think you are suffering
from the infection to get the proper diagnosis and treatment. Together
with medical treatments, there are things that you can do to treat yeast infection at home and feel better.
Yeast or Candida infection is caused by a fungus called Candida. This
is something that you should know if you want to treat yeast infection
at home. Candida fungus is normally present in every human body. The
fungus is normally harmless in controlled quantity but once rapid growth
occurred, it can lead to infections.
Apple cider vinegar. Yeast or Candida infection occurs when the
natural balance of the body is disrupted and yeast grows rapidly. One
way to treat yeast infection at home is by using apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar helps bring our body back into its natural balance.
Applying apple cider vinegar diluted in warm water on the affected area
with the use of cotton balls can be very helpful to relieve the
infection. There are also reports that drinking spoonful apple cider
vinegar diluted in water is not only good in treating yeast or Candida
infection but it is also very beneficial in our overall health.
Yogurt. The imbalance of good and bad bacteria on the infected area
is the main cause of the infection. Lactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt
helps bring back the good bacteria and helps control the overgrowth of
Candida. Applying yogurt directly on the affected area is another way to
treat yeast infection at home and it can help relieve the painful
symptoms. Another way to use yogurt as a treatment is of course by
eating the yogurt. Use unsweetened natural yogurt.
Garlic. Another way to treat yeast infection at home is by using
garlic. The antibacterial properties of garlic can be very helpful in
treating the infection. Applying crushed garlic on the affected area can
give immediate relief.
Natural remedies can be very helpful if you want to treat yeast
infection at home. Of course it is important to cure yeast or Candida
infection right from its root cause to eliminate the infection for good.
Get rid of yeast infection once and for all naturally visit Quick Relief Stop Yeast Infection