Vaginal problems are really embarrassing and disturbing. Any woman is at risk of developing recurring vaginal yeast infection and
you have to know what to do to get rid of the infection. Candida fungus
which is normally present in our body is not usually harmful if kept in
controlled quantity. The infection occurs when there is overgrowth of
Candida fungus. The fungus thrives in moist areas of the body like your
The symptoms of vaginal infection are so disturbing and can disturb
even your sexual and personal life. Common symptoms include cheese-like
vaginal discharge, rashes, soreness, severe itchiness and burning
sensation on the vaginal area. It is so disturbing because most of the
time the symptoms keep coming back. It is important to find an effective
treatment to get rid of recurring vaginal yeast infection and feel
better. Here are some tips:
Know the cause. Repeated vaginal yeast infection has different causes
and you have to know the cause of your infection to know the best
treatment that will work for you. The use of antibiotics, pregnancy,
poor nutrition and diabetes are some of the common causes of genital
yeast infection. You have to talk to your doctor if you think the
antibiotics you are taking are the main cause of your yeast infection.
Your doctor may recommend treatments and drugs to treat the infection.
Over the counter (OTC) products. Recurring vaginal yeast infection
can be treated with over the counter antifungal products. Common active
ingredients of over the counter products for vaginal yeast infection are
clotrimazole, tioconazole and miconazole. Vaginal suppositories and
creams are also common OTC products. Of course before using the
products, you have to make sure that the products are FDA approved.
Make sure to read the warnings and follow the directions.
Natural treatment. Treating recurring yeast infection could be really
frustrating and if you have tried almost everything and still suffering
from the infection, natural remedies are another option. Natural
remedies attack the infection right from its source. Discover how to get
rid of recurring vaginal yeast infection naturally without the side
effects of drugs. Visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure