Yeast infection or Candida infection is commonly associated with
women but anyone can get yeast infection including men. It is rare to
get the infection from a sex partner infected with yeast infection but
it sometimes happen. It is not uncommon for men to get yeast infection
because yeasts or Candida normally live in the human body. Men with
weakened immune system, diabetes or under prolonged antibiotic use are
more likely to develop yeast infection. Men infected with yeast infection
suffer from symptoms like swelling and pain of the penis, penile
redness or presence of red patches or small lumps on the head of the
penis, itchiness or irritation of the penis head, pain when urinating,
painful sexual intercourse, cottage cheese-like penile discharge and
unpleasant or foul odor.
Yeast infection is caused by Candida albicans, a type of organism
naturally residing in the human body. The organism is harmless if kept
in check by good bacteria. Once the balance is disturbed, there is a
high risk of developing yeast infection. Candida infection occurs when
there is an overgrowth of Candida. Men infected with yeast infection have to know how to get rid of the infection to free themselves from its disturbing symptoms.
The following tips can be very helpful for men infected with yeast infection.
Avoid sex. Although it is rare to transmit the infection through
sexual activities, it is best to refrain from sexual activities while
you are being treated for yeast infection. Wait until the treatments
take effect and all your symptoms are gone before having sex again. Men infected with yeast infection
may experience painful sexual intercourse so it is best to abstain from
sex to save yourself from pain and to avoid aggravating the symptoms.
Practice good personal hygiene. If you will provide a favorable
environment for the Candida to multiply rapidly, you will continue to
suffer from yeast infection. Candida fungus thrives in warm and moist
environment that is why it is important to keep your genital area clean
and dry. After washing your genital area, keep it dry. Avoid wearing
tight-fitting pants because it promotes sweating. Wear pants and
underwear that allow air to circulate to keep your genital area cool and
dry. Scented genital products could worsen your symptoms so avoid using
them. Men infected with yeast infection should practice good hygiene to stop the infection from getting worse.
Modify your diet. Men infected with yeast infection may need
to modify their diet. The foods that we eat affect our health and the
occurrence of certain health issues like yeast infection. Yeasts love
sugar, in fact sugar feeds yeast. Stop feeding Candida by avoiding
sugary foods and drinks like cakes, chocolates, pastries, desserts, ice
cream and fruit juices. Starving Candida may inhibit its growth. Foods
high in carbohydrates like white rice, white bread, pasta and noodles
must also be avoided as they increase the level of glucose (blood sugar)
in the body which Candida needs to grow rapidly. Foods and drinks with
yeast like bread and beer must be avoided as they could increase the
level of yeast in your body which could contradict with what you want to
achieve, that is to stop the growth of Candida. Garlic could be very
helpful in fighting yeast infection due to its antifungal properties.
Two gloves of raw garlic a day eaten raw or mixed in salads or as an
ingredient to your favorite dishes could help fight yeast infection. The
active culture Lactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt is a good bacteria
that keeps Candida in check so indulge yourself with plain unsweetened
yogurt to fight Candida overgrowth. Diet to fight yeast infection can be
very restrictive but men infected with yeast infection should
know how uncomfortable genital yeast infection is and a conscious effort
to avoid some foods is something they need to do to free themselves
from the uncomfortable symptoms of genital Candida infection.
Medications. Candida infection is usually treated by antifungal
medications. Some medications may need prescription and there are also
over-the-counter medicines that you can easily buy without doctor’s
prescription. The downside of treating yourself with over-the-counter
medicines is that you might misdiagnosed yourself. There are reports
that many people buying antifungal medicines do not really have yeast
infection. Other genital infections have the same symptoms as yeast
infection. To be sure you are using the right medications, it is best to
get diagnosed for yeast infection by a health professional. Using
antifungal medicines the wrong way could worsen the symptoms and could
also make your infection tolerant to treatments.
It could be a challenge to find the best treatment that will work for you but men infected with yeast infection
should never give up finding the best treatment that works. Yeast
infection if left untreated could get worse and constant scratching to
ease the itchiness could make the infected area more prone to other
bacterial infections. If you are still suffering from recurring genital
yeast infection, alternative treatment is an option that can be
explored. To know more visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure