Recurring Candidiasis – Natural Remedies to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection

Candidiasis which is commonly known as yeast or Candida infection is a fungal infection caused by Candida fungus which is a naturally occurring microorganism in the human body. The rapid growth of the fungus is the main reason of recurring Candidiasis. Common types of Candida infection are mouth thrush and vaginal yeast infection.

It is best to consult your doctor if you feel you are suffering from recurring Candidiasis. Proper diagnosis is important to know the best treatment that will work for you.

Yeast infection is a treatable condition and together with medical treatments, home remedies can be very helpful in controlling yeast or Candida infection flare-ups. You will be surprised that there are stuffs in your kitchen that can be very useful in treating recurring Candidiasis.

Garlic which is a common ingredient found in every kitchen has been found effective in treating recurring yeast infection because of its antibacterial properties. Whether eating a clove of garlic everyday or converting it into paste that you can apply on the affected area, garlic can be very beneficial in controlling the growth of Candida fungus.

Applying honey on the affected area is another way to treat recurring Candidiasis naturally. The stickiness of honey can be annoying but it is just a small disadvantage compared to its benefits. Honey can help alleviate the painful symptoms of Candida infection.

Vinegar is another treatment that can work wonders on your recurring Candidiasis. Apple cider vinegar is said to be more effective. Dilute the vinegar in warm water and soak the affected area for at least 20 minutes to relieve the painful symptoms of the infection.

These are some of the common remedies that you can find in your own kitchen to naturally treat yeast infection. If you want to know how to treat chronic yeast infection right from its source and get rid of the infection for good, visit Quick Relief for Yeast Infection