Helpful Tips in Preventing Candidiasis – Things You Should Know

Preventing Candidiasis is not as hard as you think. As a matter of fact, there are simple methods in preventing yeast infection that sufferers can easily follow. Here are some tips to prevent Candidiasis flare up so keep reading.

Candidiasis or commonly known as yeast infection is a result of the rapid growth of Candida fungi. The fungi are always present in the human body so you cannot avoid them. What you can do is avoid getting in contact with wet and warm environment because Candida fungus thrives in warm and moist environment.
The most basic thing that you need to check to prevent the propagation of yeast is your clothing. Wet clothing like bathing suits can lead to yeast infection flare up. As mentioned earlier, wet and warm environment is a perfect breeding environment for Candida.

Wearing tight fitting jeans that promote sweating and makes it hard for the skin to breathe can trigger yeast infection flare up. So in preventing Candidiasis, it is important to choose the right clothing. Wearing wet bathing suit long after your swimming may also encourage the growth of the fungus. In preventing Candidiasis, it is best to immediately change your wet clothing. Choosing the right underwear is also important to avoid Candidiasis. Avoid wearing underwear made from nylon. Underwear made from cotton is the ideal choice since cotton is soft and allows air circulation. As much as possible avoid wearing pantyhose.

Another important tip in preventing Candidiasis is about your personal hygiene. It is best to keep yourself clean and dry all the time especially ”down there” to prevent the propagation of Candida. Avoid using scented and colored feminine hygiene products like perfumed toilet paper, tampons and napkins because they can disturb the natural flora of the vagina. Once the natural environment of vagina is disturbed, yeast infection will happen. In preventing Candidiasis, it is important to stick with organic or natural stuffs. Yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease but it is best to practice safe sex.

Medicines are the most common protection against yeast infection but sometimes medicines can cause more harm than cure. For instance, taking antibiotics can upset the natural balance of the microorganisms by killing the bacteria that kept Candida in check. As a result, Candida fungi are left alone to grow rapidly. If you are taking antibiotics and suffering from frequent yeast flare-ups, it is best to consult your doctor.

Another effective way of preventing Candidiasis is stop providing food for the yeast. A diet high in sugar and carbohydrates is the perfect nourishment for Candida. Stop providing food for the growth of yeast fungus, instead eat a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits. People with diabetes are more prone to yeast infection due to the high level of sugar on their blood. In preventing Candidiasis, it is important to monitor and keep your sugar level at a normal range to control the growth of fungus.

These are just some of the tips in preventing Candidiasis. There are more techniques in preventing yeast infection and there are also different kinds of treatments to stop Candida for good. Are you suffering from chronic yeast infection? Stop the infection right from its source, visit Quick Relief for Yeast Infection.