Good Vaginal Hygiene- What Every Woman Ought to Know

Women should not only mind about their physical looks but also their genital health. A woman’s overall health is not only about her outer appearance but includes her private parts like the vagina. The vagina is a sensitive part that is prone to infections and women should know the basic genital hygiene to avoid infections. Vaginal diseases and infections are not only uncomfortable but they can put one’s health at risk. Vaginal hygiene is also important if you are sexually active as most men prefer their partner to be hygienic especially on their genital area.   Good vaginal hygiene is important to keep women physically and sexually healthy. The following genital hygiene tips can be very helpful to keep a healthy vagina.

Wash the vagina with warm water.  The vagina is a self-cleaning organ and cleansers are not necessary to keep it clean. Normal vaginal discharge is the vagina’s way to clean itself and discharge dead cells.  Some women can be very stubborn using soaps and vaginal cleansers that could only cause irritation. Chemicals from cleansers, soaps and other feminine hygiene products could also disturb the natural pH of the vagina giving the bad bacteria the opportunity to grow resulting to infections. The best way to clean the vagina is by rinsing it regularly with warm water. If you really want to use vaginal cleansers, choose a mild one with pH suitable for your vagina and then rinse your vagina with warm water to wash away any traces of soap or cleansers left behind. Some women have the wrong notion that they need to use perfumed products to make the vagina smell good. The vagina has its own natural scent and you do not have to use perfumed products to make it smell good. It can maintain its natural scent as long as you regularly wash it with warm water and keep it clean. Perfumes could only irritate the vagina and could alter its natural pH resulting to infections. A good vaginal hygiene does not involve the use of products with chemicals, it is actually very simple to keep the vagina clean. A simple warm water wash can do the trick. So leave your vagina alone and let it clean itself.

Wear breathable clothing. A good vaginal hygiene includes giving your vagina the chance to breathe and avoid the accumulation of moisture around it.  Sweating promotes the build-up of bacteria and if your genital area is not well ventilated, sweating may occur. To prevent sweating you have to let air flow around the vagina. This can be accomplished by wearing breathable clothing or underwear. Avoid wearing underwear made from synthetic materials but go for underwear made from cotton. Cotton fabrics are more comfortable to wear and allows air circulation thus prevent sweating. Avoid constricting clothing and wear loose pants and skirts to prevent sweating. Try sleeping without underwear to let your vagina breathe.

Be more hygienic during your monthly period. It is important to practice good vaginal hygiene during your period. Change your underwear and sanitary napkin more frequently when you have your monthly period. Change your pads every four hours and the same goes with tampons but it is best not to use tampons as it could irritate the vagina which is a very sensitive organ.

Practice good toilet habit. Practice proper washing after using the toilet. People usually use tissue paper after using the toilet but if you are really concerned about good vaginal hygiene, it is best to rinse your anal and vaginal area with warm water or use Bidet’s after using the toilet. If you insist on just wiping after using the toilet, wipe from front to back to avoid spreading fecal bacteria from your anus to your vagina.

Trim your pubic hair. The hair on your vaginal area can trap moisture and this makes it a good breeding area for bacteria. You do not have to shave it if you don’t want to but it is important to keep the pubic hair short or trimmed. It is easier to keep the vaginal area clean and dry if the pubic hair is trimmed. Good vaginal hygiene includes keeping the pubic hair clean and free from moisture.
Use your own towel. It is more hygienic to use your own towel than use other people’s towel. Anything that comes in contact with your genital area should be clean. You do not know what bacteria a towel could catch so make sure you use your own.

Wash after sex. Believe it or not there are women who do not bother to wash after sex and this can be very unhygienic. It is important to practice good vaginal hygiene after sex. The vagina is exposed to dirt, bacteria and infections after sex so it is a good habit to wash your genital area after sex to wash away bodily fluids, dirt or bacteria and reduce the risk of infections.

Every woman should practice good vaginal hygiene to prevent vaginal infections. The genital area is a sensitive part of the body that is vulnerable to diseases and infections if not kept clean. If you happen to suffer from recurring yeast infections, natural treatment is an option to be explored. To know more visit Freedom from Yeast Infection 

Discover the Factors Increasing the Risk of Yeast Infection in Women

Yeast infection is a common vaginal infection that affects three out of four women at some point in their lives. The infection is so common that women can get it more than once in their lifetime. Suffering from a genital infection can be very uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. To reduce a woman’s susceptibility to vaginal infections, it is important to know the factors increasing the risk of yeast infection in women. Yeast infection is a treatable condition but it has the tendency to recur and so a woman must understand what triggers yeast infection in order to stop it from developing.

Yeast infection is mainly caused by the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Candida is naturally present in the vagina but normally do not cause any problem if kept in check. Good bacteria keeps the Candida fungus under control. If the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina is disturbed, infection is more likely to occur. The natural balance of vaginal bacteria can be disturbed by many factors. These factors increase the risk of yeast infection in women. So what are these factors?

Pregnancy. Women are more prone to thrush or yeast infection when they are pregnant. The changes in the vagina’s environment due to increased level of estrogen and the production of more glycogen ( a form of sugar) during pregnancy makes it favorable for the yeast fungus to flourish thus increasing the risk of yeast infection in women who are pregnant. Although having yeast infection won’t harm the unborn child, self-medication could endanger your pregnancy. Pregnant women should not take anti-thrush medications on their own. It is best to consult your doctor than buying over-the-counter medicines.

Taking antibiotics. The use of antibiotics are usually prescribed by doctors to kill the bacteria causing infections. Taking antibiotics increases the risk of yeast infection in women. Why? Because antibiotics attacks not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria that fights the overgrowth of yeast fungus. When the bacterial balance of the vagina is disturbed and yeast fungus overgrowth occurs, yeast infection is more likely to happen. If you are experiencing yeast infection while taking antibiotics, talk to your doctor. There must be alternative medicines to address your health issues without causing yeast infection.

Weakened immune system. Impaired immune system can increase the risk of yeast infection in women. When one’s immune system is weak, it is hard to fight diseases and infections. A person is more prone to infections if the immune system is not strong enough to fight the bacteria or viruses causing the infection.  Lack of sleep, malnutrition and stress are some of the factors affecting one’s immune system. To reduce the risk of yeast infection in women, they need to live a healthy lifestyle to boost their immune system. People whose immunity is compromised like those who have HIV, diabetes and cancer treatment are also more prone to yeast infection.

Sexual activities. Although yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease, one’s sexual activity can increase the risk of yeast infection in women. The vagina is a sensitive part of the body and it is susceptible to any kind of vaginal infection and irritation during sexual activities so it is better to practice safe sex. Practice proper vaginal hygiene especially after sex.

Too much sugar in your diet. Yeast feeds on sugar so the more sugar you take the more food you provide for the yeast to grow faster. If your diet is usually high in sugar, you are giving yeast a happy feast. Most people would think that a high sugar diet is only from sweets like cakes and chocolates but a diet high in carbohydrates is also a culprit since carbohydrates are converted to sugar once broken down by the body. Fruit sugar called fructose can also boost your blood sugar level. Any diet that can increase one’s blood sugar increases the risk of yeast infection in women.

Scented feminine hygiene products. Yeast infection occurs when the natural pH of the vagina is disturbed and one factor that can disturb the natural environment of the vagina is by using scented feminine hygiene products like scented sanitary pads, toilet paper, vaginal deodorant or sprays and soaps. Even the laundry soap and fabric conditioners you used to wash your underwear can contribute to the changes in your vaginal environment leading to infections.

Underwear fabrics. Yeast loves airless, warm and moist environment and if you are wearing underwear that promotes sweating like those made from synthetic materials, you are giving yeast a favorable breeding environment. Constricting clothing like tight-fitting pants can also cause sweating so wear loose pants or skirts to allow air circulation around the vagina. Create a breathable environment for your vagina to stop yeast from growing.

Knowing the factors increasing the risk of yeast infection in women can help every woman prevent the occurrence of yeast infection. To stop yeast infection once and for all visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure 

Keeping a Healthy Vagina- What Women Should Know

Women are usually concerned with their outer physical beauty which is not a bad thing but they should also be concerned with their vagina’s health. Unhealthy vagina could not only harm you physically but it can also affect your sex life with your partner. The vaginal area is a sensitive part of a woman’s body that is prone to infections. Keeping a healthy vagina will save you from the uncomfortable symptoms of vaginal infection.

So how to keep your vagina healthy?

Keep your vaginal bacteria balanced.  Bacteria normally resides in the vagina but they are there for a reason. The presence of bacteria in the vagina is not harmful but keeps the vagina healthy and protects it from infections if they are kept in check. The vagina’s pH balance must be kept in good condition to keep the balance of bacteria in the vagina. It is important to maintain the balance of bacteria in the vagina because any imbalance could lead to infections. If the good bacteria is outnumbered by bad bacteria, infections may likely to happen. Common vaginal infections include bacterial vaginosis and thrush or yeast infection. The bacterial balance can be disturbed by many factors like the use of scented feminine hygiene products, taking antibiotics, taking contraceptive pills, pregnancy and wearing tight underwear. While factors like pregnancy is sometimes inevitable, for other contributing factors, there are ways to maintain the vaginal bacterial balance. If you are taking antibiotics or contraceptive pills and experiencing vaginal infection, talk to your doctor. Avoid using perfumed feminine hygiene products and go for unscented products. Avoid tight-fitting clothes and underwear made from synthetic. Prevent sweating and let your vagina breathe by wearing cotton underwear and loose pants or skirts.. Keeping a healthy vagina is not that hard if the bacterial balance is always kept in check.

Properly wash your vagina. Keeping a healthy vagina includes practicing vaginal hygiene.  Although the vagina has the ability to clean itself through its natural secretion or discharge it is also important to wash your vagina once a day or more than once if you have your monthly period. It is best to use unscented mild soap because perfumed feminine hygiene products can disrupt the natural pH of the vagina that may result to overgrowth of bacteria or infections. Gently wash the vagina and its surrounding area including the vulva and perineal area with mild unscented soap and warm water. After using the toilet, it best to wash from vagina to the anus or from front to back to avoid the fecal bacteria from transferring to the vagina. Avoid vaginal douches to clean the vagina because it can disrupt the normal balance of the vaginal bacteria.

Make it a conscious effort to be more hygienic during your monthly period. Women are more prone to vaginal infections when they have their monthly period. Keeping a healthy vagina means exerting more effort to take care of your vagina during monthly period. Change sanitary pads or tampons more frequently. It is better to use unscented sanitary pads. If it is possible, avoid using tampon as it is more likely to cause vaginal irritation.

Practice healthy habits. Keeping a healthy vagina requires living a healthy lifestyle. Sweating promotes the growth of unhealthy bacteria in the vagina so go for underwear made from organic cotton fabrics. Wear underwear made from cotton and not made from synthetic materials. Cotton fabrics prevent sweating and allows air to flow freely giving your vagina the opportunity to breathe. Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants and skinny jeans because the moisture can be trapped and this will encourage fungus growth. Wear loose pants made from breathable fabrics. Do not let wet clothing rest in your body for hours, make sure to immediately change into clean dry clothes. Fungus or unhealthy bacteria thrives in moist and warm environment so do not give them that breeding environment. Pubic hair can also promote sweating and can be a breeding spot for bacteria so it is best to have them trimmed or waxed.

Safe sex. Keeping a healthy vagina includes practicing safe sex. The vagina can get infected from sexual activities so it is best to practice safe sex. It is best to have only one sex partner.  The use of condom can protect you from getting bacteria or viruses from an infected partner. It is also a good idea to ask your partner to practice not only good body hygiene but also genital hygiene especially before sex. Wash your vagina with warm water after sex to wash away dirt. Urinate after sex to flush out whatever bacteria you have captured during sexual activities.

Keeping a healthy vagina is a part of a woman’s overall health. Vaginal health is important to keep you away from vaginal infections and diseases. Practicing proper vaginal hygiene can save you from the uncomfortable symptoms of vaginal infections. But if you are already infected by yeast infection visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure  


Tips to Prevent Vaginal Thrush

The vagina is a sensitive part of a woman’s body that should be kept free from infections but most women experience vaginal infections or vaginal thrush every now and then.  Genital infections can be very uncomfortable and it can keep coming back if not properly treated. It is important for women to know how to prevent vaginal thrush to avoid its disturbing symptoms.

Vaginal thrush is a common vaginal infection caused by yeast fungus called Candida resulting to a number of uncomfortable symptoms like swelling, soreness, itching or irritation of the vagina and its surrounding area. It is also accompanied by creamy cheese-like vaginal discharge. The vagina normally have a controlled amount of Candida fungus without causing any symptoms.  The overgrowth of Candida is the main reason for the occurrence of vaginal thrush. Some women can have more than four vaginal thrush episodes in a year and this can be really disturbing. Although it is a treatable infection, women should know how to prevent vaginal thrush to avoid recurring infections. Vaginal thrush is a common infection that affects around 75% of female population more than once in their lifetime but it can be controlled if women know how to prevent vaginal thrush.

So how to prevent vaginal thrush?

Avoid using scented hygiene products. Scented products like soap, bubble bath, shower gel, feminine sprays, sanitary pads, tampons, toilet paper, contraceptive foams and jellies have additional chemicals that could disturb the natural pH of the vagina resulting to yeast infection so if you want to prevent vaginal thrush, avoid using them. Go for unscented products if you really want to prevent vaginal thrush.

Wash your underwear properly. Your underwear could cause irritation or build-up of bacteria causing the occurrence of vaginal infection. It is important to mind how you wash your underwear.   If you are not into hand washing, make sure that your washing machine is clean because in most cases, washing machines are contaminated by fecal bacteria if they are not properly cleaned which means that your newly washed clothes could be contaminated by bacteria. Wash your underwear separately and do not wash them with soiled socks and clothes. Use unscented detergent or laundry soap and avoid using fabric conditioners on your undergarments to prevent vaginal thrush. Unscented special soaps for sensitive skin like those used for infants clothing can be more suitable for washing underwear. Washing underwear in hot water is also another way to prevent vaginal thrush. It is best to sun dry underwear because the sun is the toughest germ killer. Keep your underwear clean and change it every day to avoid accumulation of germs. It is also important to wash and change your bath towel often and do not use someone else’s towel.

Keep your vagina clean and fresh. Vaginal hygiene is very important if you want to prevent vaginal thrush. Frequent washing is not necessary because the vagina has the ability to clean itself but you need to properly wash your genital area to keep it clean and fresh. Washing your vagina at least once a day is enough to keep it clean. Avoid using soap with heavy perfumes because it can irritate the vagina. Use mild unscented soap to wash your vagina. After using the toilet, wipe from front to back to avoid the spread of bacteria from the anus to your vagina. It is also important to keep your vagina clean during your monthly period. Frequently change sanitary pads and wash your vagina 2-3 times a day. It is best not to use tampons during your period but go for unscented sanitary pads. Avoid douching because douches can also wash out the healthy bacteria disrupting the normal bacterial balance in the vagina. Disrupting the bacterial balance in the vagina could result to rapid multiplication of yeast fungus leading to infections. There are also reports that douching is linked to pelvic inflammatory disease. Be gentle in washing your private part because the skin in your vagina is very sensitive and you do not want to get scratches on you genital area.

Keep your vagina cool and dry. Yeast, the fungus responsible for vaginal thrush thrives on moist warm environment and the vagina is the prefect breeding spot for them. To prevent vaginal thrush, it is important to keep your genital area cool and dry. Keep the genital area ventilated and free from sweat. Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants and underwear made from synthetic materials. Wear underwear made from cotton to allow airflow. Trim or shave your pubic hair because a thick pubic hair could promote sweating. If you are into swimming or have a regular work out in the gym, change wet bathing suits or exercise clothes as soon as you finished your activities. Consider sleeping without an underwear to allow your vagina to breathe and to give it a cool rest at night. Thoroughly dry your vagina after shower or washing.

Boost your immune system. People are more prone to infections if they have weak immune system. Your immune system should be always in good condition to fight diseases and prevent vaginal thrush. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Eat a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly. Although stress is a normal part of everyday life, try to live a less stressful life or learn how to relieve the stress of daily life. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises and regular physical activities can be very helpful to reduce the stress in your life.

Take it easy with sugar. To prevent vaginal thrush, you have to starve the yeast and prevent it from multiplying. Yeast feeds on sugar so do not give them food to flourish. Avoid sugary foods and foods with yeast like bread, beer and fermented foods.

Vaginal infection is an uncomfortable condition and you do not have to suffer its disturbing symptoms if you know how to prevent vaginal thrush. To know more visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure 

Ways to Overcome Vaginal Yeast Infection

Around 75% of the female population have had vaginal yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. It is a very common infection that some women may suffer from it more than once.  It is not a sexually transmitted disease but it is an infection around the vagina and the vulva caused by yeast or Candida fungus. Small amounts of yeast are naturally present in the vagina without causing infections but the overgrowth of yeast can result to yeast infection. Women should know how to overcome vaginal yeast infection to get rid of its disturbing symptoms.

The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection can be very disturbing that women want to immediately get rid of them. Common symptoms of the infection are soreness or swelling on the vagina and vulva, itching and burning sensation on the genital area and cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge. Sexual contact and passing urine can be painful when a woman has vaginal yeast infection. It can be really disturbing to have these symptoms that women want to overcome vaginal yeast infection as soon as possible. So how to get rid of vaginal yeast infection or vaginal candidiasis?

Consult your doctor. The symptoms of yeast infection may resemble other genital issues and diseases so it is best to consult your doctor to find out if you really have vaginal yeast infection and not something more serious. You may need to undergo pelvic exam and laboratory test of your vaginal fluid or discharge to diagnose vaginal yeast infection. Yeast infection can be treated and it is important to get the right diagnosis to get the right treatment. If not treated, the infection may get worse so it is important to see your doctor before the infection get worse.

Medications. Yeast infection can be treated by medications. Your doctor may recommend medicines in the form of pills, creams or ointments to overcome vaginal yeast infection. The infection may recur if not treated properly so although there are over-the-counter medicines, it is best to follow your doctor’s advice.

Live a healthy lifestyle. People with unhealthy lifestyle usually lack sleep, eat less nutritious foods and are more prone to stress that could lead to weakened immune system. People with weak immune system are more prone to infections and diseases like yeast infection. To overcome vaginal yeast infection, you have to live a healthy lifestyle to boost your immune system. Get enough sleep, eat well-balanced diet and learn to relieve stress.

Avoid irritating your genital area. Avoid scented vaginal hygiene products like pads, feminine wash, tampons and sprays because they could disturb the natural balance of microorganisms in the genital area causing overgrowth of Candida fungus. Avoid undergarments made from synthetic materials and avoid tight clothing to prevent sweating and irritation.

You do not have to suffer the disturbing symptoms of yeast infection because there are ways to overcome vaginal yeast infection. To know more visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure 

Stop Chronic Candidiasis Once and For All

Candida albicans are naturally occurring organisms in the human body that are normally harmless if kept in check but if disturbed could cause candidiasis or yeast infections on the mouth, skin, stomach, urinary tract and on the genital area.  There are reports that about 75% of women will experience vaginal yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. People with compromised immune system like those who have HIV/AIDS are at high risk of developing candidiasis. Infants are more susceptible to oral candidiasis or oral thrush. Suffering from recurring candida infections can be very uncomfortable and painful so it is important to know how to stop chronic candidiasis to free yourself from pain and discomfort.

Symptoms of candidiasis can make one’s life miserable. For oral thrush, eating could be difficult because of the presence of white patches on the throat and painful skin cracks on the corners of the mouth. Blisters and skin rashes commonly occur on skin folds like under the breasts, in between the fingers of the hands and feet. For genital candidiasis, itchiness and genital discharge are the common symptoms. Imagine suffering from these symptoms over and over again if you failed to stop chronic candidiasis.

Overgrowth of Candida is the main cause of candidiasis. The normal amount of Candida is kept in check by good bacteria but once the good bacteria are overpowered by Candida, candidiasis could happen. The bacterial balance can be disturbed by weakened immune system, certain drugs like antibiotics and birth control pills, pregnancy, bacterial infections and health conditions like diabetes.
If you suspect that you have candidiasis, it is best to seek professional help to get the right diagnosis especially if you have recurring infections. There are many cases that people are taking antifungal medications for candidiasis but they actually do not have candidiasis. If you are sure that you have yeast infections or candidiasis, it is time to know the treatment options to stop chronic candidiasis.

Drug therapies. Antifungal medicines are the common treatments for candidiasis. Medicines can be over the counter medications or your doctor can prescribe antifungal medications depending on your symptoms. Medications may range from tablets and oral rinse for oral thrush and antifungal medicines in the form or creams or vaginal suppositories for genital candidiasis. With drug therapies, it is crucial to use or take the right medicine for your condition to stop chronic candidiasis.
Alternative treatments. Aside from drug therapies there are also alternative treatments that can be very helpful to stop chronic candidiasis.
  • Diet modification to stop the growth of Candida. Sugar feeds Candida so you have to cut down on sweets. It is also important to avoid foods that contain yeast like bread, cheese and beer.
  • Maintain or stay at the proper weight. A person is healthier if not overweight or underweight. A healthy body has high resistance to viruses and infections.
  • Avoid irritants that could aggravate yeast infections like perfumed soap, scented toilet paper. For women, avoid douching and vaginal deodorant must be avoided unless prescribed by your doctor.
  • Live organisms lactobacillus acidophilus found in plain yogurt helps restore the normal balance of bacteria in the body and prevents build-up of Candida.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, talk to your doctor. Antibiotics could kill the friendly bacteria that keeps Candida in its normal level. Your doctor may recommend alternatives to antibiotics if you are suffering from chronic yeast infection.
  • Herbs have medicinal properties and could be very helpful in treating diseases and strengthening the body’s resistance to infections. Garlic is one herbal treatment that could help stop chronic candidiasis with its antifungal properties. Of course you have to take caution in eating garlic if you have other health conditions because garlic could increase your risk of bleeding if you are taking blood thinning medications. Ask your health provider before talking any herbal treatment.
It is a great challenge to fight Candidiasis but with conscious effort and the right treatment, yeast infections can be beaten. To know more about yeast infections alternative treatments visit  Natural Yeast Infection Cure 

Simple Ways to Treat Penile Thrush in Men

Yeast infection also known as candidiasis or thrush is a kind of infection that can affect different parts of the body including the genital area. It is caused by Candida fungus. Although yeast infection is common in women, men are not spared. Candida fungus normally exist in the human body in low levels and keeps in check by good bacteria to prevent it from causing infections. However, the human body is not always in perfect condition and once this bacterial balance is disturbed, Candida overgrowth could happen resulting to yeast infection.  Male thrush can also happen if a man had sexual intercourse with a partner infected by yeast infection. It is important to know how to treat penile thrush in men to get rid of its disturbing symptoms.

Not all yeast infections have symptoms but when they do, the symptoms may include red patches or blisters on the penile head that could later turn into small lumps, penile inflammation, itchiness on the genital area, pain when urinating, penile discharge and unpleasant penile odor. To get rid of those symptoms, men should know how to treat penile thrush in men.

Thrush is not a serious health condition but it is important to seek doctor’s diagnosis as thrush can be a sign of other health conditions like diabetes. Before treating thrush you must be sure that what you have is yeast infection and not something else. If you are certain that what you have is genital yeast infection, the following tips can be very helpful to treat penile thrush in men.

Antifungal creams and medications.  Yeast infections are usually treated by antifungal creams and medications. The symptoms may go away after a few days but recurrence is possible so follow your doctor’s advice on how to use the medications to avoid repeat infections. If one antifungal medicine is not effective within two weeks, another antifungal medicine maybe prescribed by your doctor. Finding the best medicines to treat penile thrush in men can be frustrating so you and your doctor should work together to find the medicine that will work for you.

Keep the infected area dry.  Candida thrives in warm and moist environment. If you will provide this kind of environment, the fungus will grow rapidly causing yeast infection. It is important to dry your whole body especially the genital area after bathing or washing. Loose underwear made from cotton is ideal to prevent sweating and keep the genital area cool and dry. Genital hygiene is also important but avoid perfumed soap and shower gels because those products can irritate the penile skin and may aggravate your condition. After urination and bowel movement, wipe from front to back to keep the genital area clean and dry. After swimming, do not let your soiled wet clothes or swimsuit stay on your body for a long period of time. Take off your wet swimsuit and dry yourself as soon as possible.

Home remedies.  There are also remedies that you can do at home to treat penile thrush in men. Yogurt with active live cultures could help restore the disturbed bacterial balance. The friendly bacteria in yogurt fights the microorganisms causing yeast infection. The application of plain, unflavored and unsweetened yogurt several times a day on the infected area could also help treat penile thrush in men.

It can be a challenge to treat penile thrush but once you found the right treatment, yeast infection could walk away from your life for good.  If you have tried almost everything and still suffering from stubborn genital thrush, alternative treatment is an option that can be explored. To find out more, visit  Natural Yeast Infection Cure